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Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children:

In infants and young children, and those who cannot cooperate with traditional hearing tests, the ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) procedure is often used to accurately determine hearing status. This computerized test determines how well sounds travel along the auditory nerve pathways from the ear to the brainstem. Four small electrodes are attached to your child's head so that a special computer can record brain activity in response to sounds. The results show the softest sounds your baby's ears can detect at different pitches. For children pateint can take best treatment with hearing care centre. Bhavana Hearing Care is the best Hearing centre in Hyderabad for ABR test.

Older Children and Adults:

To further investigate the auditory nerve and the pathways along the brain stem, an adult or older child may need to have an ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) test after a series of routine listening tests. These are the pathways by which sound travels from the inner ear to the brain. You may need this test if you have balance problems, ringing in one or both ears, a feeling of fullness in one or both ears or difficulty understanding speech. The results will tell you if you have a lesion such as an acoustic neuroma or other pathology that may be causing your symptoms and hearing loss. ABR testing can also be done to confirm the results of normal hearing tests in adults and to assess hearing levels in young children. Get ABR test with best hearing care centre in hyderabad.

Electrocochleography (ECOG)

Electrocochleography (ECoG) is an unbiased test that can detect Meniere's disease and other problems. A component of the inner ear called the cochlea generates electrical potentials in response to acoustic stimulation, which are measured by ECoG. Get ECOG test with best hearing centre in hyderabad.

During an ECoG test:

  • After thorough cleaning of the ear canals, the adhesive electrode is placed on the forehead and foil-covered earphones are implanted.
  • An auditory stimulus is delivered to the patient through the earphones.
  • The cochlear activity in response to the sound is recorded with the electrode.
  • Once the activity is complete, the electrode and headphones are removed and the patient can return to normal activity.
  • The audiologist evaluates the results of the wave measurements.

To prepare for the ECG test, patients should not wear makeup on their face before the test. During the test, patients are asked to relax and sit quietly in a chair with their eyes closed. The audiologist will then evaluate the findings and prepare a report for doctor to read. Five days after the test, doctor will usually make a follow-up appointment.

Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)

The Auditory Stability Response (ASSR), an objective test to determine the frequency-specific hearing threshold of a child or adult, is an automated procedure that can determine hearing thresholds at different frequencies in a completely objective way, i.e. without the subjective response of the subject. It is therefore an extremely useful test for assessing hearing in young children and people who are difficult to test and who are unable or unwilling to respond accurately and reliably to hearing tests at different specific frequencies. Get the best test with top hearing care centre in hyderabad.The instant ABR test, often used to objectively measure hearing threshold, provides only a general indication of a typical hearing threshold and is only valid for hearing in the high frequency range. The ASSR test overcomes the shortcoming of ABR and gives us a hearing threshold for different frequencies. The results of the ASSR test are similar to pure tone audiometry and can be used to determine a subject's hearing threshold at different frequencies such as 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz. This is very useful for fitting digital hearing aids in infants and young children. Visit and consult the best hearing centre for ASSR test in hyderabad.

Bhavana Hearing Care is the best ABR/ECOG/ASSR test in hyderabad..

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