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Best Speech Therapy Centre in Hyderabad

What is Speech Therapy?

Speech Therapy is used to treat speech or communication problems. Speech therapy sessions are conducted by a speech therapist or speech pathologist. Using strategies that promote communication is part of speech therapy. Depending on the speech problem, it may also include articulation therapy and other methods.a single Speech Theraphy for child in hyderabad might range from 1000rs to 2500rs Per Session.Visit Best Speech Theraphy Centre in Hyderabad .

Specializes in the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of voice disorders, swallowing disorders, cognitive and communication disorders and communication disorders. A speech therapist is essential for effective treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Bhavana Hearing Care is the Best Speech Theraphy Centre in Hyderabad.

Why Speech Therapy?

If a person has autism spectrum disorder or another disorder, speech therapy is very important for their overall development. General communication, social skills and the ability to cope with everyday life are improved. Phonemic and phonological awareness, reinforced by awareness of sounds, is essential for literacy development.Consult the Best speech Therapist For Speech Disorder

Speech therapy can help in treating various speech and language-related disorders, some of them are:

  • Articulation disorder– Articulation disorder is the inability to pronounce certain sounds of a word correctly. A child with an articulation disorder may skip, move, distort or add to the pronunciation of word sounds. Word distortion is when a person says "this" instead of "that". Get the Best Doctor For Speech Theraphy in Hyderabad.
  • Fluency disorder Speech impairment affects the rhythm, pace and flow of speech. The two main problems with fluency are disorganization and stuttering. When a person stutters, they have difficulty pronouncing sounds, their speech may be interrupted or interrupted, or they may repeat certain words. People who stutter often speak quickly and mix up words.
  • Receptive disorder– People with receptive language disorder have difficulty understanding and absorbing what others say. They may seem inattentive when someone is talking, have difficulty following instructions or have a limited vocabulary.Other language disorders, autism, hearing loss or brain damage can contribute to listening difficulties. Stammering also called as Best Speech Theraphy Centre in Hyderabad

Benefits of speech therapy

Speech therapy is one of the medically recognized approaches to treating speech disorders and speed errors. Listed below are some of the best features of speech therapy:


Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is crucial for human survival and a good quality of life. Speech disorders affect these basic human needs. Children with speech disorders find it difficult to communicate easily with others or to find common ground. They find it difficult to express their wishes and feelings. Children with communication difficulties can benefit from speech therapy sessions that help them feel more comfortable. You can get proper speech therapy at our Best Speech Therapy Center in Hyderabad.


One of the most important developmental processes for children is interaction with other children of different ages. Through better communication, your child's social skills will improve. Thanks to speech therapy in Hyderabad, your child will be able to communicate freely and understand the feelings of others.


Lack of effective social skills can affect a child's mental and physical health. Behavioral changes may occur, such as reduced or absent social interaction. This can be due to lack of self-confidence and poor communication skills. With the help of our speech therapy in Hyderabad, children overcome these problems and develop a more expressive and confident speech.

Children with Autism

Autism can lead to various difficult situations for both parents and children. Speech therapy benefits children with autism. They gain better verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Children diagnosed with autism may show different actions when they feel uncomfortable. Speech therapy helps them overcome mutism, monotonous and repetitive speech. With speech therapy, your child can improve their cognitive skills and speech behavior.

Bhavana Hearing Care is the best speech therapy centre in hyderabad.

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